In addition to your in-office chiropractic treatment and at-home maintenance, some of our patients benefit from items like lower back supports, cervical and other supportive pillows access to physical therapy equipment for home use, and other specialty products.
We make these available for our patients to purchase right in the office.
Call now for a no-wait appointment. Most insurance or cash payments.
Palmer College of Chiropractic, we are well trained and versed in conditions of the spine and joints of the body.
Physical rehabilitation is a lot like personal training, but with a very specific focus.
We bring the right people together to challenge established thinking and drive transform in 2020.
The MLS laser can reduce pain, inflammation and swelling in a greatly reduced period of time, particularly in difficult cases.
We bring the right people together to challenge established thinking and drive transform in 2020.
We offer a wide range of chiropractic services so that we can provide targeted, customized care to our patients, including: initial consultations and exams, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy and massage therapy, MLS Laser treatment, and custom orthotics.
2477 Stickney Point Road
Suite 202A
Sarasota, FL 34231
(941) 923-2567