Chiropractic Treatment Services
“Medicine is the study of diseases and what causes man to die. Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes man to live.”
– B.J. Palmer
Most of our new patients come to us in pain, frustrated and seeking immediate help and relief.
Our full-scale office offers a comprehensive range of chiropractic modalities and our four-star staff ensures we are able to provide you with not only the best treatment, but with exceptional care.
As chiropractic physicians from the Palmer College of Chiropractic, the most prestigious chiropractic school, we are well trained and versed in conditions of the spine and joints of the body.
Our practice paradigm focuses on neurological and musculoskeletal integrity and improving a patient’s quality of life without drugs or surgery.
With over 30 years in Sarasota, we have experience treating a variety of acute and chronic injuries and conditions including lower back pain, spinal injuries, compression fractures, sciatic nerve pain and symptoms, whiplash injuries, neck strain, pinched nerves, herniated disks, slipped disks and ruptured disks.
We are also experienced with evaluating and treating injuries resulting from car accidents including whiplash injuries.
Call us today at (941) 923-2597 or click to schedule your free consultation online,
and experience the difference that chiropractic care can make in your life.
Chiropractic Treatment
At Liott Back and Neck Care Center, we provide chiropractic treatment with a holistic approach.
While many people think chiropractic care is focused on the back and spine, it is actually about ALL the joints, posture and how they interact with the muscles – from the tips of your toes to the top of your head!
A chiropractic spinal adjustment corrects a misalignment, thereby allowing normal nerve transmission to resume so your body can tap into its own healing ability. There are many various methods and modalities your doctor may use during your chiropractic treatment, each with its own specific application and purpose.
During your initial visit, your treating physician will take your history, perform a thorough exam and talk with you to locate not only the physiological source of the problem, but the underlying lifestyle cause of it. Your initial exam may also include x-rays or lab work if needed.
In addition to performing any adjustments and recommending a course of treatment, your physician will also advise you on how to prevent the problem in the future, usually by providing an exercise program to strengthen the related muscles/muscle groups of the joint involved.
It is essential to recognize that the key to successful chiropractic treatment is YOU! While your physician can perform adjustments and other types of treatment, the road to long-term health and pain-free living lies in commitment to performing the exercises provided to you and following through with the treatment recommendations.
There is never any obligation with your initial exam and chiropractic treatment recommendation.
Click here to learn more about a typical first chiropractic appointment.
A note about surgery: Only about 1% of our patients require surgery. While we consider surgery to be the last option, we will always refer you to a specialist if needed
Chiropractic Maintenance
After the completion of your treatment plan, we frequently recommend chiropractic maintenance treatments to help maintain and supplement your healthy lifestyle.
Chiropractic maintenance is not required or always necessary. Your doctor can discuss your maintenance options with you to come up with the best solution to fit your individual needs.